
"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

Proverbs 27:17

We are so glad you are here! You have found a place where you matter, a place where you belong, a place where it’s safe to be real, a place where you will build meaningful relationships, a place to eat, laugh, study, and grow. So once again, welcome to PrayerView Men's Ministry!

Panera Men's  - Saturdays at 8:30 am
West Lake Location

All Men 18+ Welcome! 

- Embrace the call of God upon our life
- Be a builder of men
- Glorify Jesus as Lord in our actions
- Let Jesus transform your life

Why Were You Created?


You were created to be a man in God's image; who lives and has a relationship with God. You were created for a purpose - to be a spiritual leader. You were created to experience God's love and grace He has for you, as your Heavenly Father. You were created to go out and help men younger and older than you, by lifting them up with the Gospel, the Living and Breathing Word of God.

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